Itä-Berliinin taivaan alla, 2006 / Unter dem Himmel Ostberlins, 2008 (Under the East Berlin Sky)
Lychener Strasse was a ragged street in East Berlin. Friends, acquaintances, and strangers would meet at number 16. The events that took place there, the stories told, tell us about life inside the GDR. The men in power change but friendships last. Immer vorwärts! Review on Herr Schlonz / Finnish Book Price 2006 / German […]
Elämän kortit, 2014 / Ansichten eines Lebens, 2014 (Sights of a Life)
Kirjassa on 89 kertomusta ja 220 postikorttia, jotka kertovat omaa tarinaansa. Korttien ja kertomusten palapeli näyttää millainen on erään vuonna 1947 syntyneen miehen Suomi ja Eurooppa – ja tämä mies itse. Kirjan tilaukset: juhani.seppovaara (at) There are 89 stories and 220 postcards in the book. The puzzle of stories and postcards tells about Finland […]
Kirkosta savusaunaan – Puusta rakennettu Suomi / From Churches to Smoke Saunas – A Finland Built of Wood, 2008
What does the world of Finnish wood look like today? In their travel writing, Netta Böökin and Juhani Seppovaara, take a look at Finnish life through woodworking. They take us across Finland from smoke saunas to wooden churches, from lakeside villas to train stations and restoration projects to dance floors in search of the ideal […]
Mopolla Suomeen, 2007 / Mit dem Moped durch Finnland, 2014 (By Moped Through Finland)
Juhani Seppovaara drove a moped from Utsjoki, in Lapland southward. He was offered places to sleep, soup, and afternoon coffee while being told captivating tales. The many lakes along the wayside tempted him to swim. The moped darted through more densely populated areas. He enjoyed taking out the fishing nets, village dances, helping to take […]
Puusuomen uhanalainen runous / The Endangered Poetry of Finnish Wood, 2007
During his trips between 1993 and 2000, Juhani Seppovaara, a writer and a photographer, captured images of Finnish wood constructions. The exhibition he assambled of his photographs aroused keen interest among visitors in Paris, Madrid, and Berlin. In autumn 2007, the views of village shops, old primary schools, taverns, and traditional wooden houses are shown […]
Ode auf Berlin
Lychener Strasse was a ragged street in East Berlin. Friends, acquaintances, and strangers would meet at number 16. The events that took place there, the stories told, tell us about life inside the GDR. The men in power change but friendships last. Immer vorwärts!
Tuusulanjärven taiteilijaelämää / The Artistic Life of Tuusulanjärvi, 2005
The Tuusulanjärvi artistic community gave birth to the masterpieces of Finland´s golden age and to many stories – a whole legend. When Jean Sibelius, Pekka Halonen, Eero Järnefelt and Juhani Aho brought their families to this old cultural region they created a new way of life. They discovered how to combine the proximity of nature […]
Muistojen markkinoilla – sinivalkoisen arjen klassikot / Marketplace of Memories – Everyday Finnish Classics, 2004
Do you still Remember? – A Nostalgic Trip to Finland Classic everyday objects affect us more than their designs suggest. They summon memories of work, pastime, home and childhood while giving us an image of Finland today. Surprisingly many traditional products have been passed down through the generations and some have even seen success in […]
Maatilan pihapiiri / Farmyards, 2003
Living and farm work are one and the same. The fields and pastures start directly from the farmyard and are all part of the overall production area. Until the 1950s mostly only horses and men toiled away in the fields. Through mechanization, breeding and fertilizer, productivity has risen, but many small farms have closed down, […]
Elävä hiljaisuus – Hietaniemen hautausmailla / Living Silence – In the Hietaniemi Cemetery, 2002
The Hietaniemi cemetery illustrates both Helsinki and Finland’s history by bringing the past back. Time alludes the visitor to this green island in the heart of the city, near the sea. This book takes you through the cemetery’s many fascinating periods, by leading you to memorials; works of art; describing the fates of people; showing […]